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Humane Wildlife Control Is A Must For Bats

Tiny brown bat crawling up someone's palm.

When you think of bats, often a creepy or scary image comes to mind. Most people associate them with Halloween or vampires. Bats are far more than this stereotype implies.

They play a vital role in our ecosystem and are essential to the environment.

However, just because they play such a critical role doesn’t mean you want them in your house or buildings. When you have bat problems, you need expert help with wildlife control. If you are looking for ways to remove bats from your home or property, there are a few things you need to know. Feel free to reach out to us for bat control in Omaha today!

Why Are Bats Important?

The primary food source for many bat species is insects. Specifically, bats consume many insects that cause problems for humans, such as health and safety issues or damage to agriculture and forests.

Fewer bats lead to more insects which would lead to increased pesticide use by farmers. More pesticides equal higher food costs and more chemicals in our bodies every year. Insect infestations can also be detrimental to our forest systems.

Aside from the immense benefit bats serve by eating insects, many species also pollinate plants and disperse seeds. This service is essential for the continuation of our agricultural economy and forests.

It is impossible to estimate the monetary value bats provide to our economy every year with their insect disposal, pollination, and seed dispersal. Conservative guesses place this value in the billions.

Through pollination and seed dispersal, bats are responsible for over 500 foods and medicines that we use. They also contribute to 95% of rainforest regrowth.

Bats are not blind, contrary to common perception. They use sonar to help them navigate at the high speeds they fly and have a very advanced system of echolocation.

Most bats are not vampires. In fact, scientists found that only three of the more than 1,100 species of bats actually feed on blood. The rest of the bat species eat insects, fruit, nectar, pollen, fish, and frogs.

The biggest concern most people have when it comes to bats is the risk of rabies. Bats do not carry rabies but can catch the disease, just like other mammals. Less than one-half a percent of bats have the disease. While you still should not touch or handle bats on your own, you are unlikely to get rabies from a bat.

Why Do Bats Live In Human Structures?

A major reason bats choose to dwell in structures built by humans is that they have lost a significant amount of habitat. The growing human population in previous centuries has taken over many places they used to roost. Bats are trying to find a place to nest and raise their young.

Bats prefer warm, dry, safe places to live and raise their young. They want sites that provide shelter and protection while they sleep during the day. Empty buildings, under roofs, barns, and attics provide an excellent home for bats. Bats do not cause damage to structures, but their droppings and noise can be pesky and unsanitary.

What Is Humane Wildlife Control?

The most effective method of bat control from your house or surrounding structures is to use a professional who knows how to relocate them safely and carefully. The last thing you want to do when attempting to deal with a bat problem is to endanger or hurt the bats in any way.

While you will see advertisements for bat repellents, there is no evidence they are effective. Mothballs are not a long-term solution as they evaporate quickly and require frequent replacements.

Because bats have legal protection, you can not use chemical solutions that will harm the population. It is also illegal to use chemicals in ways that are not intended. There are no chemical solutions designed for bat control.

There are traps you can purchase, but often these traps will drive bats further inside the home or structure. Trapping can be dangerous or even fatal to bats, as well. The goal of traps is to block an exit to catch the bats, preventing bats from entering or exiting a structure. Once the trap fills, however, bats are crushed inside the trap. Without an exit, bats will retreat into the building, attempting to find another way out.

The safest, most humane way to remove bats from a building or structure is exclusion. In this method, plastic mesh creates exits from their roost without allowing re-entry. Regulations exist about the timing of exclusion. There can be no young or babies present.

Most commonly, the young are present in the nests between May and September. Most states explicitly prohibit exclusion during these months when bats are raising their young. The ideal time to attempt exclusion is early autumn before some colonies hibernate and while there are still night-flying insects for food.

Professionals have the necessary equipment and training to use the best methods to remove bats from structures. It is a daunting and challenging task to attempt on your own.

Where Do I Find Humane Wildlife Control?

While many companies offer their services removing wildlife, you want a company you can trust. CP Bat Mitigation focuses on the safe extraction of bats. Based in Sioux Falls, we service South Dakota, Nebraska, Iowa, and Minnesota.

CP Bat Mitigation wants to ensure you are informed and aware of all the steps before any work begins. Because pricing varies based on the house and the bat population present, call first to discuss your problem. Our friendly staff will schedule an appointment to come and give a free estimate. They will discuss the plan and pricing with you so that you will know everything that will happen before they do any work.

CP Bat Mitigation has the experience and solid reputation needed for wildlife control. You and the bats will receive excellent care. They have a passion for bats and want to get the job done safely, effectively, and correctly the first time. Give the experts at CP Bat Mitigation a call to set up your consultation.

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