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FAQ: Are Bats Dangerous

Tiny brown bat crawling up someone's palm.

Hollywood’s use of bats in films to elicit terror among viewers has given these animals a lousy reputation. Don’t judge a bat by its guest appearance in the movie that gave you nightmares when you were a kid. These creatures are pretty harmless. No, they won’t suck your blood. Knowledge is the best tool to eliminate fear, so we will answer your question by teaching you a little about bats and why you might see them in or around your home. We will also discuss safe and humane practices for removing and preventing bats from moving into your home.

Bat Facts

Leave your fears at the theatre. Despite the common misconceptions about these creatures, they’re animals that we should protect. We understand that fear comes from a lack of understanding, so here are a few facts that will grow your affection for the species.

Bats have a potential lifespan of 30 years.

  • They can fly fast at speeds up to 60pmh.
  • Bats hunt for their food at night. And no, it’s not your blood. Those are mosquitos. Bats help keep those annoying buzzers away by eating them and other insects. They can eat more than 1200 mosquitos per hour. They find their prey by emitting a high-pitched beeping noise and listening for echoes. Some bats have a sweet tooth and prefer fruit and nectar. They assist in pollination. The bats that people often fear are called Vampire bats. But they don’t eat human blood; you can find them mainly in Latin America. They prefer small rodents instead.
  • Over 50% of bats in the U.S. are considered endangered.
  • Bats hibernate and can even survive while enveloped in ice.
  • Bats usually only have one young per year, called “pups.”
  • A bat’s fecal matter is called guano and is a remarkable fertilizer.

So Are Bats Dangerous?

Bats generally avoid humans and aren't aggressive. While they can carry diseases like rabies, it's rare. The more significant concern is their droppings, which can harbor fungus. If you encounter a bat, admire it from afar. Leave removal and pest control to professionals to avoid risks and protect these beneficial creatures.

Why Are People So Scared?

Bats are harmless, but people are still terrified of them. Aside from fiction, there is an actual phobia associated with bats. It’s called Chiroptophobia. Often, the main fear associated with bats is getting rabies. However, rabies is not just limited to bats. Any animal can transfer disease through biting and clawing. We tend to think of them in connection with bats.

We can connect the fear of bats to our startle reflex. You see, bats see humans as predators and are more afraid of you than you are of them. So, when you walk past them, they get scared and fly away, and it scares the unexpecting human. Most of the time, they even leave their pups behind out of fear. Would you abandon your children because you’re scared of bats?

Myth Spoofed

It’s no secret that people think of bats as frightening and dangerous. Numerous movies depict them as vampires, fiercely involved in various Halloween decorations and events. In reality, people misunderstand bats. They are like flying puppies and are essential for our ecosystem. Bats have no interest in harming you. They aren’t aggressive, and there’s nothing for you to fear.

Why Bats Like To Live In Your Home

Bats like your house for the same reasons you do. It’s warm, dry, and safe. Bats can be pesky, but understand they’re just looking for shelter. You could charge them rent, but you’ll get fewer mosquito bites and guano.

Benefits To Bats

If you have bats on your property, you may not want them to disappear. Sure, you don’t want them in your home, but they are versatile creatures who earn their keep by:

  • Controlling your insect population.
  • Dispersing seeds and contributing to pollination.
  • Fertilizing the soil.

So you see, bats can lower your summertime itch, grow your plants, and distribute seeds.

Don’t kick them completely off your property; build them their cozy little shelter and let them aid in the upkeep of your yard.

How To Safely Remove Bats

There are several ways to remove bats safely and humanely. You can perform the extraction, but do significant research and know your options before deciding. Professional bat removal is probably the most efficient because the company you hire should be professionals who know what they’re doing. This option is one to consider if you’re afraid of them. Even though you might not like them, bats are shy and gentle creatures that deserve to be adequately handled and protected.

Some different approaches to removing a bat or bats in your home are:

  • Towel: Wait until the bat is low enough to reach it, wrap it firmly in a towel, and take it outside. Be sure not to hold it so tight that you inflict injury.
  • One-Way Doors: One method to get a bat who’s overstayed its welcome out of your house is to install a one-way door. It will allow it to leave but not to come back.

If you have a colony of bats in your house, it’s best to let an expert handle the situation. When removing the bat, if they act tired, try to get them close to a tree when you set them free.

How To Prevent Them From Coming Back

To keep your unwanted house guest from returning, block off his entrance, seal up any holes that you may have in your roof or siding, keep your doors and windows closed at night, and switch your outdoor lights with yellow bulbs. They attract fewer bugs and won’t lure the bats toward your house.

Humans misunderstand bats. Despite the rumors, they are nothing to fear. They have many benefits and are vital to our ecosystem. Bats are shy and gentle and don’t prey on humans—only small animals, bugs, nectar, and fruit. Over half of the bat population is endangered, and you must handle them carefully. If you have a bat problem, call CP Bat Mitigation for safe and humane bat extractions.

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